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HPLC Column Nucleosil 100 C18, 7.0 µm, 2 x 30 mm, 15% Carbon, endcapped
Nucleosil is one of the first standard silica gel phases for HPLC. It consists of a completely porous spherical silica gel with a very pure and uniform SiO2 structure. It is considered an extremely reliable choice for analytical and preparative routine use. The pore width can vary from 50 to 4000 Å and available particle sizes are 3 μm, 5 μm, 7 μm and 10 μm. C18 phase consists of an octadecyl-modified SiO2 structure. It can be either endcapped or not endcapped.
Brand Altmann Analytik
Column Description
Column description Nucleosil
Package Specification
Package specification C18 (RP18, ODS, Octadecyl)
mode Reversed Phase (RP)
Length 30 mm
Inner Diameter
Inner diameter 2 mm
Particle Size
Particle Size 7,0 µm
Pore Size
Pore size 100 Å
Endcapping yes
Carbon load
Carbon load 15.0%
USP Number
USP number L1
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Mark J.
Oct 30, 2021

Everything is perfect. I would recommend!